30m Timber Storage Racking Installed


24 March 2021

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We’ve installed thirty metres of covered timber storage racking this month in our yard at Roof Profiles. The purpose of this investment is to free up yard space at our facility so as we can extend production areas in the near future.

The racking provides three double sided storage levels for raw materials. The covered top levels are mainly being used as bulk storage for sheet materials and provides increased weather protection. The mid levels are for bulk timber storage whilst the lowest level is being used for split packs of roof truss timbers.

The truss timbers come in multiple lengths so as we can optimise them for cutting and minimise waste timber. Therefore by storing multiple lengths of split pack timbers on the lowest levels we can pick the correct lengths for the saws hassle free.

The more commonly used truss timber lengths are stored on our racking nearest our cutting factory so as to minimise movement of products and maximise efficiency.